Artasia at Cathy Wever School
YMCA Hamilton Burlington Brantford
🖌️ Artist Educator: Bridget Beardwood
Practice Makes Progress; Not Perfection
Everyone loved working and playing with the modeling clay, and a lot of us had fun with the nest building. It was challenging to be sure, but with a little bit of assistance, most of us we’re able to keep going without problems, or even inventing our own way of nest building
Something with potential for us to help with as adults, educators, counselors or parents is to allow kids to create without feeling like it needs to be perfect. This week, and even at other locations too, some participants struggled with building their nests, or even sculpting their creatures when they didn’t match the image they had in the head. There were two children in both groups that struggled with creating a piece that wasn’t exactly as they expected. Either it was “too hard” or they “messed up” when in reality they were both doing very well.
We as educators need to allow kids to let go of the idea of perfectionism.Teaching art, and letting a piece of art just be and exist by itself will show them that nothing has to be perfect, and that it takes work and repetition for a piece to become closer to how you want it. Or that a ‘mistake’ can make an artwork even better!
Cathy Wever School Gallery
“I was surprised. The collaboration took a little bit at first, but then it just clicked. I could almost see the moment it happened. “
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Scroll through this gallery to witness the diverse artworks children created.
Can you hear the stories behind each of them?
Gallery of Creations
Explore the creative tapestry woven by the young minds of Cathy Wever. Scroll through this gallery to witness the diverse artworks and crafts that sprung from the summer’s enchantment.