Making the arts accessible, everyday, everywhere, for everyone – Culture for Kids in the Arts’ mission, in a nutshell. In order to do this, CKA, with contribution from its founding partner, the Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts, created Arts For All.
Arts for All is an initiative that creates professional learning opportunities and resources for artists and community professionals addressing gaps in arts education, outreach and engagement, and strengthens support for arts activities in our community. This is done by emphasizing the connection between arts education and the whole development of children. Arts for All engages community organization staff and their spaces to create affective environments for the arts.
Why Arts Education Matters supports the strategy of Arts For All through workshops, lectures, discussions, manuals and tools that make a case for ways in which arts education can contribute to the wellbeing of children and youth. CKA has had several opportunities recently to present Why Art Education Matters with Dr. Renee Jackson across different platforms in the Hamilton, Ontario community.
On December 14, 2016, we were delighted to share Why Arts Education Matters with Linda Rourke on Hamilton Life Lessons, which aired several times in the first weeks in January 2017 on Cable 14.
Then, on December 19, 2016, Dr. Renee Jackson presented at the Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre Rounds stirring some inspiring conversation amongst CKA staff and fellow artist educators who were at the presentation, and the health practitioners and professionals from the hospital in attendance.
Dr. Renee Jackson is a visual artist and art educator from Hamilton, Ontario. She is an assistant professor at Tyler School of Art, at Temple University in Philadelphia. Renee has worked with CKA for the last six years in various capacities including through resource creation and to support the growth of our Cultural Educator Training Program.
Arts for All is funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
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