Artasia at Laurier Brantford
YMCA Day Camp
🖌️ Artist Educators: Quinie Cui
Experiences at Laurier Brantford
Throughout the five weeks, the children at YMCA Laurier were always able to follow the instructions and themes very well. They always stuck to the main idea of the activity and had many creative ideas within the given themes. They did especially well for week 2’s activity, which was making banners for a message that they want to present as a group to the community. Everyone was really excited to be creating something together with their friends. The children were able to express themselves with a common message that they shared with their friends through the form of banners. Along with reflecting on what is most important to them and their friends. One group of girls cut out little animals that were on the fabric scraps and pasted them onto the banner with the message, “Save the trees! Buy a fake Christmas tree for Christmas”. Another group drew cartoon characters and smiley faces on their banner with the message, “Smile Everyday!”. Another group made cats and dogs out of fabric scraps with the message, “I love cats and dogs!” to show their love for their pets at home. Overall, all the children were able to incorporate something that they were passionate about and turn that into a message and translate it onto a banner.
Experiences at Laurier Brantford 2
In the final week of my site visit, there were also many creative ideas that sparked when I asked them to make their favorite food. There were a lot of variations of making the same foods. For example, a little girl made a pizza with felt and paper first but then she had some extra time so she decided to make a pizza box to go along with it. It was such a creative idea since many kids made pizzas during my site visits but she was the first one to make a pizza box and decorate it with her name. Sushi was also a popular item that the kids enjoyed making and one kid even made chopsticks and wasabi to go along with the sushi that she made. She then also cut out a piece of paper in the shape of a plate and glued everything together. When I asked the kids about what their favorite food was or what toppings they liked to put on their pizza, they were very enthusiastic to share what they love to eat. As well, some kids related the food that they created to a special memory that they might share with their parents or family.