Artasia 2017 #IHaveARight

CKA presented I Have a Right, the focus of Artasia 2017 in partnership with the Pen Pal Project and the City of Hamilton.
City of Hamilton Charter of Rights of Children and Youth
The views of young Canadians inspire us to ask who we want to be, where we want to be, and how we want to be for the next 150 years. In 2015, the City of Hamilton Best Start Network in collaboration with early childhood educators, teachers, artists, youth leaders and CKA listened to the words and drawings of 2,500 children and youth to create the Hamilton Charter of Rights of Children and Youth and accompanying participatory responsibilities. In 2017, CKA continued that work by asking children to identify why these rights were important to them.
Pen Pal Exchanges & Gallery
Children and youth initiated pen pal exchanges with 150 notable Canadians about the Hamilton Charter of Rights of Children and Youth. This project engaged children and youth at multiple partner agency sites across the greater Hamilton region including the Boys and Girls Club of Hamilton, Today’s Family, YMCA Hamilton/Burlington/Brantford, Wesley Urban Ministries and Hamilton Conservatory for the Arts.
I Have a Right Interactive Mural
CKA commissioned media artist Tyler Tekatch to lead an artistic collaboration with I Have the Right. Tekatch, along with composer Joe Browne, interactive designer Kyle Duffield and animator Drew McEachearn, produced a large scale multi-media installation translating the charter into visual representations in the form of a playful, surrealist collage. The interactive mural was composed of original drawings by the children who contributed to the charter. The mural invited participation, as viewers could trigger compelling interactive elements, including animations, soundscapes and music, that creatively interpret a child’s perception of the world. Abstract, immersive, playful and compelling, the mural will tour to galleries and public spaces throughout the country.
Exhibition and Tour
The resulting exhibition opened at the Art Gallery of Hamilton in November 2017 though February 2018, and will tour in the forthcoming year, carrying the important messages about children’s rights.
Exhibition at the AGH: Open from Nov 24, 2017 to Feb 11, 2018.
Thank you.
CKA recognizes the generous support of government, foundation and community funders that make I Have a Right possible.