The Artasia 2015 Project was a collaborative installation inspired by the Japanese tale of Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. Folding 1,000 paper cranes was originally thought to grant a wish, but over time the paper crane has evolved into a symbol for hope, peace and community collaboration through Sadako’s story.
Children across the city were invited to create cranes using scraps of old paper repurposed into origami paper. Folded into the origami cranes was a “right” that each child felt was vital to their development and wellbeing that was shared with the Hamilton Best Start Network to support the creation of the Hamilton Charter of Rights of Children and Youth.
The Hope is the Thing with Feathers sculpture was created by artist Dave Hind from salvaged parts and repurposed materials – with an airplane wing as the central structure. It was complimented by the bird-inspired installation, created by local children under the guidance of artist Donna Akrey.